Thursday, August 10, 2006

That Which Does Not Kill Me

Lemme know what you think of the new layout. Still tweaking it with Sis’ help.

Im out at this party, for lets say, the PM of Jamaica (boring party, no music, no jerk chicken, nothing), Anyway, so I’ve been invited by my PR person, who is throwing the party (the country of Jamaica is her client) and she thinks that it might be a good networking event for me given what I do. In fact, it might have been but it wasn’t – there were lots of music industry bigwigs there, but I didn’t know who they were so I didn’t meet them.

Anyway, I always say that almost all movie productions have a “OMIGOD” tragedy one time during their production and the world stops. Then, because on a movie, you have to keep going or you don’t finish, you move on.

Have ya guessed where I am going with this yet?

So…I am at the dull party and this dude has just started hurling on and in front of the couch. Tan, drippy puke – keeps pouring out of his mouth, almost silently. Didn’t smell either, but he was making up for it in volume.

Anyway, I keep sidetracking. Sorry. I get a call. It’s the UPM, Martin (don’t blame me, I didn’t name him).

M- “Greg I got some fuckin shittty new.”

G (me) - “Oh Yeah.”

M- “Can you go somewhere you can talk”

G – “Just Tell Me” as I brace myself to hear that my lead actor was incinerated by BBQ, or worse, we lost a day of footage.

Actually what happened was that a truck picking up a load of very expensive equipment was broken into and probably close to 100,000 (I am guessing) dollars worth of equipment was stolen. Now, of course, we have insurance, and of course, there is a deductible, but generally, I am not totally sure what the fallout from this event is.

Seems the PA must have put the gear in the truck and walked away to get a YooHoo or something. Anyway, he didn’t event realize the van had been broken into until he got to set. And then, to top it off, we didn’t have the equipment we need for tomorrow either.

Just generally sucks. But as I said, you keep going. Like Climbing Everest – very schedule dependent, and you cant stop or you die.

Makes me wonder a bit if the kid maybe ….nah. I met him, he doesn’t seem like the type. Just, you’d hope people would be a little smarter than to throw a bunch of visibly expensive equipment in a truck and then walk away from it. Even if it was just to go take a piss – why wouldn’t you drive somewhere where noone saw you load the van before you did so. Just common sense.

Hope there isn’t any more fallout from this other than the loss of the deductible.






Anonymous said...

How do I like the new template:

I love the colors and the popcorn/tickets icons but...

1) If you're using Internet Explorer, the top 2 entries are unreadable because the icons and your photo overlap them. You can't even see the right side of the text.

2) If you're using FireFox, it's much better, but your photo falls off the side so you only see your shoulder.

ab said...

I'll work on the code for you this weekend. And as I said last night, sometimes people just really fit the description "dumb as rocks."

Jill said...

Hi Greg! How are ya? Perhaps you're going for the "I want my blog to just be one big pic of me" look. If so, GOOD JOB, IT'S F-IN' PERFECT!! ;)

Glad to hear the movie's coming along. More importantly, glad to hear you have insurance. :)

Grumpy O. Selznick said...

Egads. So clearly I am not a computer whiz. My sister has kindly agreed to try to bail me out of my troubles.

D - Im working on it. Thankfully the last two posts werent that interesting anyway.

Steph. - Thanks for the help.

Curly - Yeah, Im clearly so into myself that I want the whole blog to be a pic of me. I like myself, just not that much. And Im glad I have insurance too.

Jill said...


I'm just re-reading your post (yes, I'm OBSESSED with you!! lol) and I thought I'd point out that you should present the facts "carefully" when submitting your insurance claim...k, that's all I'm going to say about this but I'm sure you're aware in any event.