Monday, August 14, 2006

The Entourage, In review

So I am thinking of starting to review the weekly entourage episodes (rather than reviewing my various sexual encounters). Since (1) they seem to vary so much in quality, from exceptional to laughable (and not in a good way) and (2) I have more insight into how they are laughable than you faithful readers presumably, perhaps the review would be a good use of blog space (not that its limited so much). On the other hand, since I know the people who produce the show at Leverage, and I run the risk of them figuring out that I've panned their latest episode (especially when I am potentially pitching a TV project with them to HBO) and (f) many of you could maybe give a shit about (f(little a) Entourage, or (f(little b)) what I think of Entourage, maybe I wont do it. Why dont y'all let me know.

And Im going to take a lack of a comment as a NO!



Jill said...

Dude! That's my favorite show. Bring it ON!!

ab said...

Since I no longer have HBO (thanks frugality) but love Jeremy... I'm in the yay camp as well.

(New code on it's way in a few)

Jill said...

Thank the lord!! :)

Grumpy O. Selznick said...

Jill - how did i know it was your fave? Did i do this to attract you as well. Hmmm back. BTW- Still in the office going through the motions?

Steph. Promises promises (you knew you'd never keep).