Thursday, August 02, 2007


SOOOOO. Even though I’ve been described as anti-social, even as a blogger, I’ve been tagged. The very funny/cute/married Julie O. tagged me. I am supposed to disclose ten things about myself that, well, here’s dem rules.

Once you’ve been tagged, as I have, you must write a blog with ten weird, random things, little-known facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose at least 5 people to be tagged, list their names and why you picked them. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you’ve been tagged” and tell them to read your latest blog.

And away we goooooo….

1. Though I am a producer now, I wanted to be a writer growing up. I do a bit of writing now, but I did quite a bit of short story writing in my teens. Some of it was good, and some of it was porn.
2. I have thought at least three times that I was going to be married to the woman/girl I was dating at the time. The first time was with my first serious girlfriend, Kristen. The second time was with my law school live-in girlfriend (also a law student), Krystallo. The last time was with another live-in girlfriend, Jeanne, and the only time that I really feel a loss over, in that I think it might have worked but circumstances prevented it.
3. This is hard. Yikes. Maybe I am not that open a person. I’ll come back to 3.
4. I am somewhat fascinated by the concept of people moving through your life and spending time with them and then not seeing them anymore. That friendships are fleeting sometimes. I’ve been fascinated by this for years. It took me a long time to come to terms with lost friendships.
5. I always wanted to be in the movie business. I thought that I would wait until I was 40-45 to give it a shot, because I knew it was a hard road. Only the events of 9/11 and my proximity to them made me switch careers earlier.
6. I found working on Wall Street the most boring thing I’ve ever done. Any job I spent time in – every morning I’d have to coax myself out of bed just to go to work most of the time.
7. The worst year of my adult life, personally, was the year I made the most money (almost 400K).
8. I spent two years seeing a therapist. It was one of the best things I’ve done for myself. I stopped when she told me she thought I had achieved my goals in seeing her.
3. Back to 3. Um. Still tough. I am blocked on 3. Here is goes. My second toe is longer than my first. That’s a cop out. When I was young, I used to be on a swimteam. I hated getting up in the morning and getting into the freezing cold pool (even though it was summer, in the mornings, that pool felt very cold). I also hated getting up at 6AM for practice. I can’t imagine it was that much fun for my parents to be driving us there at that ungodly hour. Anyway, I used to sneak away and hide in the showers (hot showers) during practice, until the coach would notice I was gone and send someone to come and get me.
9. My first three girlfriends were Korean. The second, after I broke up with her, attacked the third and beat her up in front of a crowd of friends. I felt a small bit of pride about these two attractive women coming to blows over me. I couldn’t help it, and it was only ended when Number Two girlfriend (hehe, couldn’t resist) jumped in my car and took off at high speed. My car!

I am over the asian thing.
10. I’ve had pretty successful long distance relationships, or relationships where we only spent a few days a week together. E.g., Jeanne lived part of the time with me, and part of the time in Long Island. My best times with Krystallo were the summer we saw each other only on weekends. I broke up with my first girlfriend shortly after she started at University of Albany, where I was going to school, our first unimpeded time in our relationship (she had a very restrictive home life).

God. That’s is. I am done. What a learning experience. I’ll tag five people who I am sure will be very surprised to be tagged by a near stranger.


rachel heather


Annie said...

Ooh, thank you. I've never done a tag thing before though. Maybe I'll do it this time.

Julie O'Hora said...

Thanks for playing!

Was it good for you? In a cathartic way, I mean...

Grumpy O. Selznick said...

Well, it was somewhat cathartic. It felt like a strange blend of confession and whining.

Julie O'Hora said...

That's how it's supposed to feel -- or was this your first time being catharterized?

Grumpy O. Selznick said...

yeah, i guess it was, at least technologically

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog. Your thoughts about friendship and your fascination towards lost friendship is intriguing. What was it in particular that fasinated u about lost friendships and what is it that u came to terms with? A quote from one of my favorite authors: "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival." C.S Lewis. Have u ever thought about rekindling some of your past friendships or do u deemed if some things are lost, then it is forever lost?

Grumpy O. Selznick said...

Anon. THanks. I think its just about how someone can occupy your consciousness, and then for whatever reason, move on. I dont know that I have a reason more specific than that, and while I occasionally think about various people I've been close to in a past era, Im more likely to google them than track em down.