Wednesday, April 09, 2008

That Personal Connection

OK. So I am so over Tony Parker.

I realized over the weekend that over the past six months of agony or so, agony which I cannot really write about directly, professional agony which has crept into most every aspect of my life, personal, financial (especially financial), that I’d become boring. A boring blogger. (More boring?)

A blogger friend, Rachel, who likely always has been more entertaining than me in print (is online print?, I digress), because she is a better writer, had posted recently about dating someone who read her blog. When I’d read this, it sent me back to look at my blog, to a period of blogging in Sept-Oct. 2006 when I was dating, briefly, someone who was reading my blog. (You can search "Curly" in this blog and find the string of posts if you're curious - they go from hilarious to awful, especially the comments). I was also reading hers, and it got messy.

But when I was sending Rachel specific details about the perils of this situation, and went back into my own blog to determine the dates of the posts relating to these dangers, I discovered specifically something that I knew unconsciously. I used to be funnier. I used to be more entertaining (Again, online, I won’t say that this fits my in-person persona).

I did some reading, going through past posts. From a year ago, from longer ago. It was more interesting back in the day. I think part of the reason is that I took a little more care with the posts. I also think that to some degree, the posts had a continuity, a storyline that flowed through posts over time. Not every post, but touchstone ideas to which to return as a reader. It was more a story of my life, and less a collection of unconnected crap.

But in that last thought, though, is perhaps the biggest difference, I think. I post movie reviews and obits and other entertainment related tidbits and oddities, but I’d lost more of the personal side of my blogging. It wasn’t about me (not that I am so wonderful and everyone wants to know about me). And I imagine a decent portion of the folks who wander by here wander by because of the contents’ relationship to the movies and the business of which they are a part. That’s fine.

But perhaps why people read blogs like mine, the biggest reason, is it’s a connection. Its not the closest connection, to be sure, but it is one, to people who you can learn something about at a distance. And it’s the personal stuff that draws us. Proof? I’ve always had more regular readers when I blogged about my personal life. Actually, I’ve gotten the very most readers when I’ve blogged about bad things happening in my personal life (I think misery definitely attracts attention).

So, with my previous entry as proof of my intent, I am going to do my best to include more of myself in my blog. And maybe, if I can, to blog a little bit more. We shall see how it works out.


Anonymous said...

Your blog isn't boring but, at least for me, the movie/entertainment stuff isn't as interesting for me as is the personal stuff. I guess I'm a voyeur?

As for having the most readers -- or comments -- when bad stuff is going on in your life, I agree that a lot of people can't avert their eyes (and mouths) from an accident. For my part, however, I think that the desire to provide help or some soothing words triggers my comments. Of course there are those who just like to get in on the fray and stir the shit. But, I'd like to think, that most people just want to lend a helping hand.

PS. I will NOT re-read those Curly posts! ;-)

Grumpy O. Selznick said...

But your comments during the Curly era are some of the best reading.

Anonymous said...

Oh God, I don't even remember what I said! I only remember that I wanted it to work out for you two. OK, give me a sample of what I wrote, if you want to. Then maybe I'll be tempted to read through that chaos.